BUG : Printing layout broken - Rhino 8 WIP

I can’t really say if it’s new because I’m not trying WIP extensively, but printing layout in the latest WIP on my Intel mac is not possible. Well the PDF is generated, but with nothing on it.

Whatever is drawn into Rhino (Curves, Surfaces, Polysurfaces…), if it’s looked at from a detail in a layout, it won’t get printed. Any object drawn directly on the layout space would be printed.

It’s a shame, because it makes the use of new section styles much less usable…

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Hi Felix -

I’m not seeing that here. Are you using ExportAll to create the PDF file?

We’ve been working on printing issues on Mac this last week. I’m hopeful that next week’s WIP will produce better results for you.

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No, I was not aware of this command, and was using the _Print command or the print button on the layout panel.

But I did not have more success with this, I still get a blank PDF…

Print still not working with print to image file, multiple layout print the first a number of times but not the others.

Hi Roger -
Please post or upload a simple 3dm file and the output of the Rhino SystemInfo command.

Hi Wim,

Please see screenshot I have imported all the layouts from another rhino file so question 1 is when importing layouts why do all the layers come as well instead of adding just the layouts to the current document. I now have to delete all the empty layers.

I now want to create image files in A3, I don’t want the first two layouts so have unticked the box.

Have set the window for the scale for the first layout how do I do it for the other 37 ? as soon as I set it for another the scale gets lost off the previous.

Despite all the layouts being selected only one is returned

Okay you say tick the multiple layouts and I now get 40 images all the same as the first one in the list not 40 images each one the same as each layout.

Tried this as well, still all three files produced are of the first in the list so 3 of the same image. I appreciate the object in the viewport will be the same but the text on the layout is different for each layout so I can tell what is being duplicated.

Please let me know what your findings are, 3dm file attached.

Kind Regards

Roger Davies

Geo-Spatial Survey Solutions Ltd

Mobile 07713 160041


Layout test.3dm (1.34 MB)

System2.txt (2.5 KB)

RH-77202 is fixed in the latest BETA

Hi Roger -

We have this issue on the list as RH-47838 (not public).

Your layouts are all A4-sized.
When you create an image, all you are doing is outputting a bunch of pixels in the X direction and a bunch of pixels in the Y direction. Both A4 and A3 have a 1.414 X/Y ratio, and, as such, you can set the “size” of the image by modifying the DPI setting. E.g., a “smaller” A4 sized image at 200 DPI will have roughly 3 867 000 pixels. A “bigger” A3 sized image at 72 DPI will have roughly 1 000 000 pixels. Which of them is bigger?

This has been fixed in the meanwhile. You now need to tick the “Print Multiple Layouts” option in order to see the list of layouts.

(This was the RH-77202 issue that Brian mentioned was fixed)

Running an internal build of (8.1.23270.6001, 2023-09-27) here, I’m not seeing that issue so it looks like that was fixed along the way.

Apart from this, I ran into an issue with the image size options ( RH-77364 Closing print dialog with Image File selected and reopening shows incorrect controls) and we are planning to make the PDF and image controls be identical ( RH-76439 Print: Provide access to page sizes when printing to images). So, this is an area of ongoing development.