Bug? Latest SR has changed Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreatePatch

Hi guys, my tools that has worked for years are not working under the latest v7 SR.
It seems you changed something in Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreatePatch() causing it to think that a closed polyline is no longer the required closed polyline it requires.

OK, so I located the bug to be in Rhino.Geometry.Polyline. If I make it from a list of points where the first point = the last then I get an invalid curve for Patch. ( I have used this for years, it just stoped working in SR 32)

So instead of using:
OuterPolyLine = Rhino.Geometry.Polyline(OuterPts)

I now use this instead where I first make a PolylineCurve and then convert that to what patch needs:

    ######## WORKAROUND FOR SR 32 FIX
    OuterPolyLine = Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve(OuterPts)
    OuterPolyLine = OuterPolyLine.ToPolyline()
    ######## WORKAROUND FOR SR 32 FIX

Since I don’t know who to tag here I just tag you @dale :slight_smile: Hope that’s OK.

Hi Jorgen - I see our best minds are looking at this now - thanks for the report.


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It’s looking like this is the likely change in SR 32.


So you tagged the right guy for the question!

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Hi @Holo,

Can you provide me a way of repeating?


– Dale