Bug: Invisible and impossible to delete control points

This bug is quite annoying. As soon as I joined the white surfaces into a polysurface, that introduced invisible and impossible to delete control points. Deleting the white polysurface didn’t fixed the bug and the invisible control points remained and … you guessed it right … impossible to delete.

It was also impossible to save the file, which is kind of strange. I was not able to export the problematic control points to send them for a bug report. The invisible control points were selectable, but moving them or deleting them failed.

I got rid of the bug by copying the white polysurface into the memory and then ran File > Revert. Once I opened the file again and pasted the copied geometry, there were no more hidden and stuck control points.

Rhino didn’t found any bad objects. There was no duplicate geometry either. The white polysurface was made by a 3 mm offset with solid output. The inner fillets are 7 mm, the outher ones are 10 mm. Super basic geometry.

Does anyone know how to avoid this in the future? Have you experienced such a bug before?

What are you selecting there? I don’t see any ‘control points’ in the video. (polysurfaces don’t have them anyway). The white dot is the Gumball center.


I select some invisible geometry. If you check the Command line, you will notice that the selected invisible stuff is up to 4 control points… This is why it reports “2 surface points added to selection” at the 8th second of the video, and also several more times during the whole video. These invisible points can’t be moved, can’t be deleted, can’t be turned off. This bug also prevented me from saving my file, so I was forced to revert it to an earlier state.

Individual control points of a surface cannot be deleted. Only an entire row or column of points of a surface can be deleted.

I know, but it was impossible to see, move, scale, turn on and turn off those surface points. Saving was also prevented by the bug.

What do you mean by “invisible”? Is the geometry obscured by other objects, or had Hide be previously used to hide the geometry?

The 4 control points were “there” but invisible, as you can see in the video. They were selectable but impossible to get rid of them, no matter what I tried.