Bug in Rhino 7: Fillet curve fails

There are two new bugs in the recent Rhino 7 Service release:

  1. Despite choosing Join=No, Rhino will automatically join the resulting curves.

  2. Adds a new curve segment instead of extending the curve end to the point where it meets the created fillet.

Fillet curve fails.3dm (96.8 KB)

You’re filleting the open ends of the same open polycurve.
If you Explode it first, the the arc is not Joined to the curve extensions.
If you don’t explode it, the arc is Joined.
At this point, I’m not sure what the expected result is supposed to be.

On Monday I’ll try it with another build or version and see what happens.

Thanks for the heads up.

I see that behavior for the first time in my life, despite making thousands of similar drawings with a single fillet on an opened polycurve. Note that the Join=No option fails to work on that particular curve and the fillet gets joined anyway.

I’m watching the ballgame so I installed V6 and tried it there.
V6 does the same thing.
Explode the curve first and it will do what you expect it to.

I don’t see a behavior change here.

Just to leave no stone unturned, V5 acts the same way too.

I think this is it, fixed in V8:
RH-72421 Fillet: Join=No did not work when filleting a corner of a polycurve


In my last post I meant an opened polycurve, not a closed one.

Also, the second bug is that the extended end leaves an unwanted extra control point where the end was located originally. This is a newly introduced bug in Rhino 7 that was not present before. I know it because I have done thousands of drawings for laser cutting over the years and today was the first time in my life when I see that bug. This is extremely bad as I extrude the drawings to create 3d models of laser cut plates and tubes. The extra control points ruin the extruded profiles.