Bug: History Update changes Lock status and Layer

i have drawn some polylines and used patch on that to create a surface, then used contour to create outlines from that. i then hid the patch surface and locked the contour lines. now after changing the polylines the contour lines just unlocked. then i tried putting the polylines on a different layer locked the other one then changed the polylines again which resulted in contourlines unlocking AND changing layer.

i also tried the other way around putting the contour lines on a different layer but the result is the same.

history bug.3dm (773.3 KB)

When you use the Contour command with the AssignProperties=ByInputObject option, the behavior that you describe is expected.

To have it behave the way you want, use the AssignProperties=ByCurrentLayer option.

i am afraid that does not seem to be relevant, in fact i used the option you described. to be sure i also tried the method which should be responsible for this behaviour with the same outcome.

maybe it is broken on mac?

I can repeat the locked state issue.
RH-84340 Contour History replay changes locked state

I also see that the layer the contour is baked to, is part of the history. Trying to change the layer of contours that are made using History doesn’t work. Seems this was logged already:
RH-79631 Contour + History bug

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