V8 - Completely bizarre behavior with Contour + History

In the file below:

  1. Activate persistent Record History
  2. Create a mesh patch from the point cloud.
  3. Turn off point cloud layer
  4. Leave MeshPatch as the active layer
  5. Use the command Contour to contour the mesh at 10m intervals (vertically) starting at 0
  6. Now with the selected contours, right click on the “Contours-10m” layer and select “Change object layer”.
  7. Look at the command line - it says:
    312 objects changed to layer “Contours-10m”.
    History updated 312 objects.
  8. History updated for changing layer??
  9. Note the contour curves do not actually change layer - they are still on the MeshPatch layer!
  10. Now undo the layer change and the Contour command.
  11. The contour curves are still there…
  12. Keep undoing all the way back to the beginning.
  13. The mesh patch is gone, but the contour curves are still there.

This does not happen in V8 if History is not active, nor in V7 even with History active. So I suppose a bug with how History is recorded in V8.

TerrainPointCloud.3dm (6.4 MB)

Checking, thanks.

Section has the same problem…
RH-79631 Contour + History bug
