Bug: Heightfield scaling off by a factor of -254 (Rhino 8 Mac)

When I try to create a heightfield with 450m x 334m x 130m using this image:

the resulting surface extends to minus 33 km (130m x -254):

This is what it is supposed to look like:

(heightfield 450 x 334 x -0.5118)
Rhino 8 Mac (8.2.23346.13002), Macbook Pro (Intel), MacOs 12.7.1. Newer Machines give me the same faulty result.

Hi Joerg - so far this seems correct here :man_shrugging:


0,0,0 + Enter
450 + Enter
Sample points 80 by 100
Height 130 (or to taste)


Usually, I work on Rhino for Windows, where heightfield works as expected, but we had several students with Rhino 8 for Mac experiencing the same problem as described above. Template: Small objects, Meter. I’ll attach the file:
heightfield_bug_RH8_Mac.3dm (654.6 KB)
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/CcXmHh8-zPg


Hi Joerg - I see this with surface output thanks.
RH-79293 Heightfield incorrect with surface output
