Flow component in Mac Grasshopper missing Rigid input

I just talked with a user in Georgia that has made some GH tools on in the Mac WIP.
He has moved them to Rhino for Windows (with Grasshopper), and GH is complaining about missing “Flow” components.

Do you know about this?

fwiw, there is a Flow component in Grasshopper for Mac…

Transform-> Morph -> Flow:
24 PM

not there on Windows? or maybe just an incompatibility between the two?

Flow is available on windows as well. Of course if you’re using an old version of Grasshopper then it may predate that component.

I asked the user to post his question here and it seems he didn’t. I’ll see
if I can dig out his phone number and ask again for a sample file and GH

We just added a bug for Mac GH for the Flow component.
It is missing the Rigid input.

it’s Stretch, right?
setting to false would be rigid.

08 PM

(that said, i don’t have Windows so can’t compare the two properly)

I don’t honestly know. I don’t use GH.
I think Windows V5 GH has a component that does this but it is not named “Flow”, like it in in Mac V5 WIP GH and in Window V5 WIP GH. Both of them do have a “Flow” component.

I’ve sent off internal messages to try to get a clarification.

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a fairly wild guess…

your customer has a panel with False typed in it then plugged into stretch (so, on Mac, he had a rigid transformation).

there’s a problem when sharing panels between Mac & Windows… so a panel that works on Mac will provide unusable data on Windows and vice versa.

a couple of related threads:

(see posts 3 & 4 in this one: )

Hi @jb

The Flow component, included in Grasshopper for Rhino 5 for Mac WIP, does not have a “Rigid” parameter.

The Flow component, included in Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Windows WIP, does have a “Rigid” parameter. Here is a screen shot.


Perhaps this is what the user is describing?

– Dale

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Seems that when that last parameter was added no steps were taken to make sure the IO was aware of the change in layout. I might be able to fix it on Windows by hacking the read process for all components that have this additional Rigid input, as it’s too late now to make the change properly.

But although the error is annoying, it doesn’t seem to interfere with the actual running of the file, you just get the default value for Rigid on Rhino6.

Right, but this doesn’t do anything for Rhino V5 users.
I guess it’s just too late in the development cycle for that.

The component isn’t available in Rhino 5 for Windows without downloading and stalling Jackalope. Thus I assumed it was fair game to improve.

– D

It looks like Jackalope adds the “Flow” component missing in V5 GH
I can send this on the the original user I mentioned in the first post.

If I can find the message…

I dug is phone number out of the history list.
He will try Jackalope and the V6 WIP.

Just checked in some code which inserts the missing data required to properly deserialize the Rigid input for all the jackalope components that are now part of GH for Rhino6. So now at least when files written with Rhino5 or RhinoMac are opened on GH in RhinoWIP there will no longer be an error message.

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