Bug: Double-click chain-edges jumps to different polysurface

Hi all:
While _ChamferEdge or _FilletEdge command, using the double-click on one of those edges on the green solids will select also the similar edges on the black solid:

chain edges bug.zip (796.0 KB)
The chamfer/fillet works fine, but the behaviour surely is anormal (is it?)

I can even move away one solid by 10mm and then move it back to position and the bug still occurs.

Oh , ok this is replicable in even simpler cases:

Happens also on WIP.

Hi Riccardo -

No, as far as I can tell, this is by design. Rhino 7 introduced a shortcut for auto-chaining tangent edges in the FilletEdge, BlendEdge, and ChamferEdge commands by double-clicking an edge. When edges of different objects have edges that are tangent to each other, the entire chain is used. If you want control over the chain, you can use the ChainEdges option in the command. That will ask you to confirm a specific edge when a tangent crossroads is reached.

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Oh, ok.
I almost use only the double click thing, as is faster than using the ChainEdges option.
I were zoomed in and didn’t see that also another geometry edges were being selected.
I discovered the edit only later on and I was puzzled by this.
If this is by design… ok. Strange design imho :sweat_smile:
Good to know.

Thanks wim!