(Bug/Crash) SubD Face Color

see crash report

{"app_name":"Rhinoceros","timestamp":"2024-07-05 16:53:02.00 +0200","app_version":"8.9","slice_uuid":"d79f0954-b20a-3742-b03b-5b0bef408682","build_version":"8.9.24183.19002","platform":1,"bundleID":"com.mcneel.rhinoceros.8","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 13.6.7 (22G720)","roots_installed":0,"name":"Rhinoceros","incident_id":"A96FAB88-3AD8-4CBB-A47B-1C25AA96D6B7"}

this crash can be repeated quite reliable…
draw a SubDSphere
assign some custom / per face colors
subdivide the sphere
do more custom colors per face, that include already custom colored faces…
do a selection that includes some starpoints
resign custom face color…

… rhino got frozen for about 2 minutes after the video, den finished the color-assign operation…
for a more complex project it crashed. (or I was not patient enough)

subd_face_color_crash.3dm (6.6 MB)

kind regardds -tom

maybe you find time to look at this ? - thanks

Hi @Tom_P I was able to reproduce the issue with your file here as well. Thanks for spotting this. I’m issuing a fix for it now. RH-82907

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RH-82907 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 10

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seams to work here as well - thanks for the fix @Trav

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