I have this collection of curves.
I hope that each closed curve is connected with an adjacent curve to form onecontinuousclosed curve。And all bridge widths are the same。Like this:
I found a plug-in called “bridge curves” that may help, but it doesn’t work for my rhino version
first it could be interesting to know why it didn’t work for you. Are you on Mac ?
this is not a so simple job. There are some discussions related to this subject but to my knowing there is not free or available tools at the moment except Bridge Curves.
You’ll find elements of information there
and there what I did
In order to be able to make a quite robust tool for real life objects with many holes and thin walls I had to make many tools in C#. Everything is on a library and also began to put that on a plugin I intend to sale. But I am not ready. End of the year.
The advantage of making a robust library (base tools are RhinoCommon and Clipper) is that it is then quite easy to implement extension like the one here
I saw in your script that your sort by area, that is not the good way of doing.
You could recursively by looking which curve is inside another. You will end with a tree
the trunk is the exterior. If there are many trunks it means you could not make a single line print (I think it is what you are after).
After for each curve you’ll have to track the position of the bridges. A curve could bridge more than one curve… It took me 2 weeks to have a good tool that I hope is used to make real things (surfs).
Thank you very much for your reply.
In fact, I also want to sort by looking which curve is inside another.
I sort by area just to locate the outermost curve first, because its area is always the largest.
I have checked all the relevant contents in the forum, including those you quoted.
But I still don’t know how to recurse.
If the Curves are closed, yield no ccx events and are co-planar … that’s a classic Recursive (*) task using the RC Method PlanarClosedCurveRelationship (this approach is the core for HAC Containment Clustering: i.e. a nested hierarcy of parents-childs relations) 'Like:
In case that you want a C# demo on that (required Level: advanced to expert) … the bad news is that all my related C#'s are strictly internal - but I could try to remove various sensitive Methods and post a very indicative take on that matter (if the remaining code does (?) anything (?) realistic (?) ).
(*) don’t attempt to do that with native components.
Youll have to learn. This is not an easy job and like @PeterFotiadis said you ll have to make code. With components it could become very difficult.
And depending on the geometry the approach curve containment is not enough. For example this.
Er … hmm … take it easy: this IS NOT a task solvable in the first few years of coding.
And given the opportunity: leaving aside this HAC Clustering thing … if you want to be on high demand as a pro … this is the core reason to lean C# (notably if you are in the AEC market sector).
PS: I haven’t found the time to “scan” some HAC C# and see if I can post something with some meaning … but I’ll do that soon.