November 9, 2020, 8:52am
Hi there,
I have been trying to make something like this without success.
I have come across this very simple solution, but I would like to have it filled with cubes and contained in the brep geometry as shown in the picture above.
I was wondering if any of you might have some idea about how to approach to this in Grasshopper.
Thank you.
Voxel Octree.gh (68.3 KB)
You have to subdivide a box into 8 boxes and continue if a box intersect with the mesh. The GH’s octree does not do what you expect.
November 9, 2020, 10:07am
I am afraid I don’t fully understand, can you illustrate me with an example?
November 9, 2020, 1:12pm
Thank you so much. I found what i was looking for.
this is an experiment I did a long time ago: It’s not standard cuboid division (by 8) but rather by 2.
they are not cubic voxels (in order to be cut in half and retain a fixed proportion, they are based on the delian constant (2^1/3). I don’t know if you will find it useful.
(also, the definition could be greatly simplified if you use ‘anemone’ for the iterative process)
rose-voxel.gh (209.2 KB) [R-voxels]