Using rhinoscript / python.
Run the code in the attached py file. Select the left rail, the right rail, then the profile curve. You will see the brep that is created along with the two polysurfaces that are duplicated.
Question 1: Why are there 2 polysurfaces? Code says they are not the same but they appear to be the same.
Question 2: Why is there only 1 face in the brep? It appears that there are 4 faces.
Question 3: How do I duplicate the borders of all the faces? How do I exclude the same edges as the profile at the front and the end of the brep? If I use brep.DuplicateEdgeCurves(), it duplicates the edges except for the two the arrows are pointing at in the screenshot. If I can figure this out then how do I exclude the profile curves at the start and end of the brep? In Rhino, if I use DupFaceBorder and select all 4 faces, then all of the border lines are created including the ones the arrows are pointing to.
Sweep2 DupFace Issue.3dm (31.6 KB)
Sweep2 DupFace (1.8 KB)