Box to C# component


How do you reference OBB (oriented bounding-box) to Grasshopper, Python or C# editor?
It is always casted to World aligned Bounding Box:

See also this previous discussion:

You didn’t post any code?

Do you have the OOB plane?

This recent thread was about finding minimal bounding box but only considered rotation of ‘World XY’ about its Z axis. Your geometry needs more than that.

Sorry, I think I did not describe the problem correctly.

If I try to input to C# component a Brep that looks like a box as a Box type.
The brep boundingbox is computed, instead of casting it to a Box type.
Is there a way to cast Brep to Box type that remains the OBB?

Hi Petras,

Check out this topic of mine:

I believe you have encountered a similar problem.

        Box worldXY_bbox;
        BoundingBox pln_bbox = srf[i].GetBoundingBox(pln, out worldXY_bbox);
        double ar = worldXY_bbox.Area;
        if(ar < area){
          area = ar;
          nb[i] = worldXY_bbox;

Thanks, this suggested me the right solution:

    Box x = Box.Unset;
    Plane xPlane = Plane.Unset;
    bx.Surfaces[0].FrameAt(0, 0, out xPlane);
    bx.GetBoundingBox(xPlane, out x);

I wish there would be a direct casting, but this works.

Thank you;)

That C# code was from Riccardo (@maje90) in the thread I mentioned earlier. It was part of a ‘Parallel.For()’ loop to speed up the search for OBB. In the “C# V4” cyan group,

Nice work, good thread. Makes C# interesting.

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