Boolean split by current plane

When editing geometry, one of the procedures that I repeat very frequently is the following:

I create a plane (planar surface).
I select some solid geometry.
I use boolean split to cut the geometry in parts by using the plane.
I then delete some of the geometry not needed.
I then delete the plane. (the two last can be combined).

I don’t know if there is a simpler way of doing this, but my suggestion is as follows - and at least for me it would save a lot of time and irritation. (And a lot of leftover cutting planes.)

Create a very simple command that performs the operation boolean split by current construction plane. Any selected geometry when the command is invoked will then be split in parts by the construction plane (plane).

No need to create temporary planes. No need to delete them again. In many cases just for example “Set plane to object” and then “Boolean Split by Construction Plane”.

Anyone else missing this ?

(Sure it can be implemented in Vb …)


Here is a script that might help… (5.6 KB)

Even simpler, in Rhino V8, you can try this macro:

! _BooleanSplit _Pause _IP _CPlaneXY _Enter

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An alternative may be the WireCut command with the Line option.

or just use the cutter with any curve on the gumball-


Hello Kyle,

could you be a bit more verbose? How would you do that? Is there a way to use the gumball curves for the wirecutter? The gumball disappears when I use wirecut …



perfect thanks.

Already using the python script.

The macro is good, but is it possible to change so that it uses an already selected object(s) if available? Maybe that’s beyond the macro language?


The macro works with preselected objects to split here… Do you have an example where it’s not working?

The script has an advantage over the macro in that it is designed to split not only volumetric objects - those that BooleanSplit will work on - but also curves, open surfaces/polysurfaces and meshes.

The ‘cut’ tool on the V8 gumball will work with a simple line drawn on the CPlane, it’s almost easier than using Wirecut. The line does have to completely cut through the object in the pull direction.

Hej Erik -

Don’t use the Wireframe command. Just select the curve and use the cutter line on the Gumball’s Z-axis to cut through the object.

There’s no cutter line on my z-axis … What’s wrong with it?

I see it in the manual …


Hej Erik -

It’s hard to tell from an image.
You need to have a planar curve selected for that feature to show up.

I see. I now understand how that works. That’s good and useful but it’s not exactly what I’m looking for.

I’m looking for an infinite (=bounding box) plane to cut through selected geometry. The python script does exactly does and it is now part of the small codes snippets that are initialized when my Rhino loads. It think it should be part of what is included as default in the software.

Thanks again

As mentioned earlier, the V8 infinite plane possibility can be used in commands that call for a splitting/trimming object like Split, BooleanSplit, etc. Simply type ip when asked to choose the splitting object, then check the command line options for which plane you want to use.

That’s truly great news! Been using it the whole day already.

Could the “Object” selection be added to ClippingPlane as well? So that you don’t have to do 3points all the time when creating new ClippingPlanes ?


Hej Erik -

I’ve put that request on the list as RH-84672 ClippingPlane: Placement Options