I have reviewed the other posts about this subject but they do not solve the problem. The attached file has two closed solid polysurfaces which I want to create a Boolean Difference.- subtracting the small part from the larger part. It fails. What is the problem?
BooleanDifferenceProblem.3dm (269.1 KB)
I see 2 challenges for the boolean operation:
run intersect.
this will show the problem:
the 4 quater-Circles / 90-degree Arc don t form a nice, closed curve.
there is a small planar stripe in the smaller / lower part.
And this stripe is coplanar to the lower surfaces of the upper part. (within doc-tolerance)
coplanar surfaces often cause Booleans to fail
… ok just do the following:
make sure the z-height is precise.
(I moved the cutting surface with pointsnap in z
redraw the profile - skip this micro-stripe
zoom in front view
BooleanDifferenceProblem_tp.3dm (3.5 MB)
if you need this micro-stripe youre document tolerance might be to rough (high).
Tom, thanks so much for your time and insight. I should have looked more carefully at the initial profile that generated the closed polysurface. I cleaned it up and the Boolean Difference worked just fine. Walter
FYI., I am working on a system for making this type of interlacing lattice railing out of hardwood, then steel and aluminum.
happy to help.
maybe mark my post above as solution - so others don t need to dig into the topic.
good luck in the workshop.
kind regards