Hi There,
I have a feature request: I’d like to be able to edit a nested block by double clicking the block instance, just as I can edit a block on the highest level by double click.
Best regards,
Hi There,
I have a feature request: I’d like to be able to edit a nested block by double clicking the block instance, just as I can edit a block on the highest level by double click.
Best regards,
I had the same issue today. I wanted to try to play nice with Rhino blocks for once, and instantly I was shot down (again).
Also, this thread is related, I believe:
How do you edit a block instance within a block instance within a block instance?
Ok, but when I do that, I get these Z-fighting issues, which makes me think that there’s two objects in the same location (which god know happens often with assemblies from Catia). Yet, when I delete the Z-fighting object and leave the block instance, that object AND the one it was seemingly Z-fighting with, disappears:
So again, for my purposes, it seems that editing block instances is sadly unusable in Rhino.
I’m going to add a +1 here for future improvement. Sometimes we’re dealing with imported blocks with nested blocks and its impossible to know which nested block is which other than scrolling through all of them in the block editor. Would be very helpful to be able to dig down the nested trees of blocks by simply double clicking through them.
Any news on this? Is this a youtrack issue? If not, should it be?
If find this behaviour confusing and pretty annoying. If i have a block of a concert hall seating area, and within that block 100 blocks of the individual seats, i have no good way to edit the right block. All i can do is to try through all the blocks in the list to find the one i want to edit. Even blockEdit doesnt work.
Install third party plugin because obviously someone who should care does not
Just tested, that thing works! Well thanks for that!!
I’m not so much about introducing the umpteenth foreign user interface, but still this is a lot prettier than this oldschool blockedit panel that tends to get in the way (and will still be around in R8). Also, it’s inspiring what is actually possible!
Edit: works in R8, too.
Holy crap!
I mean… woooooooow!
Someone got fed up of McNeel’s crap and actually knew how to fix it!
This is absolutely wonderful, but McNeel should be very, very embarrased.
I created separate topic for this Amazing block plugin
Probably single human being took time and delivered what have been asked for many years.
I absolutely now believe that other requests (which are probably even much simpler to implement than this) are ignored by mcneel not because it is too much effort (as told many times how it is so difficult due to hidden work like documentation etc) but it is a lack of drive to deliver good stuff. It seems to me that those are more excuses rather than real reasons.
How much of a work is to refine something that is already present and needs just some time to make it as good as possible.
The one thing i cannot get over with is that we had been promised about attending blocks for V8 but it has not been delivered and super obsolete and bad way is going to be there in upcoming V8!
I am calling for a wakeup call. If one person can improve something by this much how much of good can 100 people do given the opportunity and incetive?