I feared this. Another bitten bum from Block Instance.
I had a complete tyre and an incomplete one with ruler. from Photogrammetry.
I scaled the one to match the other, then scaled the grouped set using ruler to get them to 1to1 scale.
Use insert and bring them into Rhino to minimise the redraw and save time.
Now that I come to ungroup them to use the complete one, they wont ungroup.
You’ve brought them in as a block instance so you can’t change them in the model. Turn them into ordinary, non-block items by running _ExplodeBlock on the instance and then you can ungroup them.
ok will do, if I then do that , will the advantage of quick redraw with them be lost ?
I am told to use Insert as blcok of meshes to avoid major slowness in rhino.
Do I then make each one a block instance again ?
What is the difference between insert as block and import mesh then make it a block ?
I am finding now I have to import each mesh to a new file, save that then insert that file into my assembly area / working area file as a blockInstance . A lot more files now in use for one item as a result.
Yes, as Holo explained repositioning a block changes one value, repositioning a mesh causes every vertex to be recalculated. By exploding the block you lose that single base point value and go back to recalculating every vertex.
If you want to keep the block benefit then edit the block instead (conveniently you can double click the block instance to start this). Rhino will be suspended while a second instance of Rhino starts up with the original block file. Ungroup your tyres and save, then close the second Rhino and you can go back to the original Rhino and find the elements of the block instance have been ungrouped. HOWEVER… You still won’t be able to sub-select elements of the block and use them individually. The essence of a block is that it is contiguous sealed item.
What you can do is, when creating or editing the block, is put elements onto different layers. That allows you to show or hide them individually in the parent model.
The former is slightly quicker to do.
You can embed the blocks in your parent model file instead of saving them to separate files. You have to judge whether the increased model size is worth the greater simplicity.