Blend fillet won't work!

I’m sure there is a really easy solution to this fillet but being new to Rhino I can’t resolve it ! If anyone can help I would appreciate it. It needs to go from 2mm to 1mm, the 2mm end meeting the existing 2mm fillet

barry iges.igs (101.8 KB)

Hi Joe - I see a fillet at 1.57 but not a 2. Assuming that is the one, you can match the radius but because that side surface is not tangent to the plane, it will be a bit messy trying to get them hooked up exactly:
Am I looking at the right spot?

barry iges_PG.3dm (146.4 KB)


Hello Pascal,

Many thanks for your response.
Please see below my screenshot which hopefully makes it clearer.
I have now separated the yellow surface so that the fillet doesn’t come down that far on the vertical face.
I can see from your screenshot my surfaces aren’t tangental, I used Curves, Blend curves, Adjustable blend curve set on Target but obviously it’s still not right. Do I need to get that ‘perfectly tangental’ so the zebra stripes prove its tangental before I try and fillet ?

Another question on a different subject, I have drawn this part to send to a toolmaker for tooling, but if my surfaces aren poor they will have to re-draw it, so 1, are there people out there who could check over my surfaces and amend anything before it goes to the toolmaker ? And 2, are Rhino surfaces good enough for going straight to the toolmaker ? (Or will they re-draw it anyway ?)

Thanks and apologies for so many questions !!


Hi Joe - if you look at the file I posted, does that look correct for what you need? The thing about making the surface tangent is that then the fillets will ‘hook up’ cleanly where they meet, end to end. If they are not tangent you’ll need to fuss with getting that to be clean. Plus, it’s better to have them properly tangent if that is the design goal. See MatchSrf and BlendSrf tools.

I don’t know about people out there - I’d figure out how to check things yourself in Rhino and fix things when the shop sends them back for the inevitable cases where you’ll miss something.

ShowEdges > Naked

are some good tools to work with.
