Best workflow for larger 3d modeling and tracing?

I recently bought a 3D scanner for part of my business and I plan on scanning object that are 2ft to 5ft or a little larger. I dont need super accuracy, maybe down to 1/8" or a few mm. From what I’ve self researched, I take in the mesh, call ReduceMesh and I can kinda trace snaping to vertexes (vertices?) on a plane maybe. I’d love to have a low polygon mesh and throw a surface on it for 2d Unrolling/squishing!

I’m just looking for best workflow and I dont want to overcomplicate or learn the incorrect way of doing this. I’ve been using Rhino3D for almost 9 years but I’m just leaning mesh modeling and tracing.

I can figure out the details, but any help on the best commands to use is super appreciated!