Best Render Engine, HDRI's for Rhino In 2019 For Diamond Jewelry

Thea Render does it work with HDR in rhino?

Did you put Inclusions in your stones? Also, do you have an example 3DM with your Vray settings?

I’ve made a couple of videos relating to Vray rendering for jewellery, these may help:

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Thank you for that, any chance you have any sample file to go along with that?

I don’t sorry, but I’m sure you can follow along anyway.

In Youtube type “keyshot jewelry” and you will find videos and tutorials. Keyshot has also powerfull scripting capabilties in Python (like Rhino 6) to automate your renders (color of gems colors, colors of gold, silver etc 
). These two web sites use keyshot since 2010 :

Are you sure? Edendiam sure look like renders I agree.
But it seems like Gemmyo has switched to photography and photoshop?

This right here is incredible powerful imagery! Expertly done!
I can see you are very passionate.

I’m still deciding between Keyshot, Vray or Octane. Costprice is an issue and Keyshot being the most expensive it also seems to produce less photorealistic results. Vray and Octane are more accessible but much more harder to operate? Are you still in the Vray camp?

I’d recommend Vray - I have been using Octane more and more as I think it’s got a slight edge when it comes to refractive materials, however the learning curve is pretty steep for Octane. Vray is a bit easier to use IMO, and has a lot more features than Octane.

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Wauw that’s just brilliant!

Here’s the example model in vanilla Rhino 7, nothing done except adding Metal with Gold material and Gem as Diamond to the ojects:

150 samples, 13 seconds.

In other words, no tweaking, no added lights, nothing.

(But I did modify the model a little bit since the diamond sat too low and intersected both the bridges and the base, and I cut away parts of the “claw” (in lack of a better word) to prevent the diamond from having gold inside it)

And here with silver and ruby:

1000 samples, 1 minute and 5 seconds.

One of Rhino’s downsides is that the default HDRI environment has little range, so highlights don’t shine as much as they should.

None the less, not too shabby. Rendered on an nVidia RTX 2070 at the shown resolution.


That is impressive!

The tricky part is that, if you are working in the diamond/jewellery business, renders are easy to pick out just by looking at the diamond. I feel like Rhino is just not able to generate a correct looking diamond.

Am I wrong in assuming that @aaron4 ? KS, Vray 
 they all seem to do a better job. Or is that thanks to the operator and not the software?

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Absolutely, a diamond needs dispersion if the image is for exclusive presentation. But IMO good refraction and lighting even without dispersion is better than poorly rendered jewelry from more advanced engines :slight_smile:

If I was in the business I would design and evaluate with ‘Raytraced view’ and render with any other engine that you like working with. All of the mentioned ones can shine if treated correctly, so personal pleasure counts IMO. (I used to love settings and dug into the why’s and hows of engines, but that has partly changed.)

I’ll throw a Bella ring into the ring with the disclaimer that I don’t really know how to render jewelry (so this is just lit with an hdri that has 2 opposing white planes) 
 the model is from grabcad.


Nice one @jdhill - I haven’t seen any jewellery renders for Bella yet, but that looks promising.

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Jewellery rendering is both super simple, yet super difficult at the same time - it’s all about highly polished metal, and transparent objects. You don’t have to worry about bump maps, normal maps, ambient occlusion, displacement, anisotrophy - All you need to worry about is reflection and refraction. Which is where it gets hard.