Bellow fold accordion following path curve

Hi :slight_smile:

The goal of this script is to create a bellow fold (see photo) accordion following the shape of a house (see lines in the rhino file and my sketch to number them on the left of the script).

However I am stuck when I try to make the second bellow fold at the top curve. How would you complete this script? As section A and B are not the same, the length and angle of the path curves (5-6-7-8-9) are not the same.

fold.3dm (50.6 KB)
accordé (42.2 KB)

Thanks :slight_smile:

I noticed that when the accordion is completely unfolded, it requires a fold here to keep its angle. Is it possible to make a ‘‘if angle is straight’’ condition in the script?

accordé (50.7 KB)
fold.3dm (390.0 KB)

Check out this topic

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Thank you so much!! Exactly what I needed. I’ve been trying to figure out how to fold an accordion for a week now and am now familiarized (a little too much) with bellow folds :joy:

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I MADE IT :heart_eyes:

In case anyone needs this, it fits a retractable bellow fold shelter over a house shaped brep (should work on other geometries by removing the ridge line)

bellow fold.3dm (88.1 KB)
bellow (80.1 KB)


You follow the shape but real folding is impossible