I’ve seen in tutorials always they create basic geometry first in Rhino and then they translate it to Tekla. But I already have all my basic geometry in Tekla and I want to use it in Grasshopper. How can I do it?
In this tutorial he says that you can use ‘deconstruct’ tool but actually what it is doing is not what I look for.
So to clarify: I have basic model only in Tekla now. I do not have any geometry in Rhino or any scripts in Grasshopper. I want to translate geometry from TS to Rhino (or straight to Grasshopper, because I don’t need Rhino tool for anything in this case). In other words - basically I do not need Rhino. I only want to sketch basic geometry always in Tekla - not in Rhino. And then I want to do all those things with Grasshopper. Is such way even possible?
Currently I don’t think there are any tools that would allow you to do this, at least for a Tekla-GH workflow. Not sure if it’s been attempted for other softwares.
Creating a visual script from things you have modeled manually sounds like an extremely complex (although interesting) problem to solve, at least so that the process would offer any practical benefit.
Sure, for individual objects you could extract parameters like start point, end point, section curve etc and display them as inputs. But that only gets you so far. As soon as you have multiple objects interacting, say they should be spaced semi-regularly or be placed and offset relative to other objects or shared setout points, it would be very hard to know what the rules and components should be.
I think this could make for an compelling problem for someone to try and solve with machine learning/AI that would be trained on script-model pairs.
Ok sir, I understand. I should also write why I need this anyway. The point is that I am structural engineer. I make engineering models of steel structures. Problem I have with Rhino is I do not feel like it’s good to create engineering model in a non-engineering program. And I feel Rhino is more like artists program than is for engineers. When we - Tekla Structures users create our models we need to operate strictly on engineering enviroment, we need to have the coordinate system and set our models in the correct specific place. We also need basic drawing tools known from CAD programs etc. In fact - very rarely we would have a necessity to actually create geometry in Rhino. Basically we only need Grasshopper, not Rhino itself. That is why I asked above question.
Best regards.