Bake Content node is missing from the Rhino8 Grasshopper menu

Hi there,

Unfortunately the Bake Content node is missing from my Grasshopper Rhino8 tab. What could be the problem?

This is my screen:

This is a screen shot of Rhino8 Grasshopper from a youtube video:

By typing the name of the node I can see only Elefront bake nodes:

I would appreciate your help!

Content Cache is the Rhino 8 GH1 bake component.

Thanks for the answer!

I was not able to bake geometry into Rhino layers with this node. (Where can I find a quick reference for learn how to use the new nodes?)

I also have to write the object model tree branches into separate *.pdf (and *.dxf file).
What is the best practice for this job?

The preliminary guides are a good place to start

Let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you Japhy,

I can use the content cache node thanks to the preliminary doc.

I also have to write the different object model geometry tree branches into separate *.pdf (and *.dxf files).
What is the best practice to do this job?


The GH1 exporter isn’t quite ready yet. I’ve had good experiences using Elefront 4.x to export Rhino geometry to .dxf, dwg, step. Elefront 5.x supports this feature as well.


I will continue to use Elefront to export files, and waiting for the GH1 export node.