Bake Content component broken?

I just updated to Rhino 8 SR0 2023-8-15

I’m having problems with the bake content component which worked fine two weeks ago.

Here’s what I tried:

  1. Bake, a new layer ‘Test’ is added and the bake content component turns red.
  2. Change the layer name in the Grasshopper text panel from ‘Test’ to ‘test’
  3. Bake successful.

Baking only seems to work when the layer name already exists and can be overwritten by the bake operation from a capital first character to a lower first character and vice versa. (4.6 KB)

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hi @martinsiegrist thanks,

I can repeat this here. I found that, as long as you change any of the letters to a capital or to lower case before the bake, it keeps working.
RH-76347 bake component is broken


Thanks Gijs, I assume this won’t be fixed before next weeks release?

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normally not, no

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It will be fixed on next RC. :pray:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Rhino 8 GH1 Baking in Rhino.Inside.Revit