Hi, I work with Rhino 7. I need to be able to create blocks containing multiple items (Curves, two hatches and text tag), then moving these blocks around and baking them for other people to use quickly in other programs if necessary. Each hatch needs to have its own color.
The project changes all the time and so I need to be able to bake these blocks when necessary. The problem is that I can’t find a way to bake a block with Hatches that have pre-defined colors, I can only define a color per baked object (i.e the entire block - and in that case it’s still black when baked) or bake each hatch separately with a defined attribute. Neither does the job.
Now before you ask “why blocks” - this is what is requested of me, they need to be able to access the file, press a big “BAKE” button and get blocks with two different colors for their geometry.
I can define a “Rhino.Geometry.Hatch” object with Human, but then I can’t insert that into the Elefont block definition, and I can’t seem to find a way to bake blocks in place with human…