Hi guys, i was browsing the GH Primer and this exercise caught my eye, i was trying to replicate and i was succesful in the point/vector/orientation (the little #3) exercise but my brain stopped in the others particular cases. I tried with Curve CP but i didn’t work.
Could please help me to understand it better.
for you it is clear what is GH primer, for me an surely others it is not clear. We will have to search with Google … So it is good to give link.
Also giving an image of a script is good but not enough. Why not giving the script ?
You can look here good advices
As it is a common question I recommand you to search a bit on internet and on old grasshopper forum
First and second image must be with line attractor, 3rd and 4th must be with point attractor.
My question was not “give me the script” but basically which is the mental process to get that pseudo-mess result even with a sketch not necessarily the complete model.
My problem is to understand how is possible to achieve this “topographical” effect. Is it 1 curve or multiple, is it based on orientation or distance or whatever, how those pseudo-field are working together.
If you’d like to get your desired pattern, try to use any multiple attractors you want, curves or points at the same time.
And you should manipulate the shapes or positions of your curves by moving their control points until getting a pattern you can be satisfied with…
Wow Thanx @HS_Kim that PULL POINT is exactly what i was thinking but not gettin’it… In practice it will take only the closest point and exclude all the other, right?
Formally is not using any rotation value but only the direction of the vector based on the center of circle N and the closest point whether it be one of the points or one of the curve and avoiding all the other. Right?
Just for curiosity why did you use the REBUILD CURVE?
When you are using Project, the projected curves will most likely have many unwanted control points. It’s not good for using Boundary Surfaces afterwards…