Arraying dentils along a curve

Hello! I’m a landscape architecture student and I’m trying to array these brick masonry dentils along the top edge of a curved terraced planter. I tried both to array on surface and flow along surface, but neither worked. Array on surface got close but for some reason was rotating the orientation of the brick group. Flow along surface either morphed the bricks themselves or, if I selected to keep it rigid, ended up pinning all the copies in a long straight line that went off into space rather than wrapping the grouped brick array to the curve. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi @jac_32
If the planter is partly circular you could use polar array. Use snap to center to find the center point of one of the planter’s surface curves and array your dentils.
Also array along curve might work run the command and select top edge of your planter where your parts are.

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Thank you very much 3dsyndergy! Array on crv totally worked. Thank you! :smiley:

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