Hello, it could be doable, best with programmation (C# …), but too specific. It is a forum so it is the good willing of people to help or not. On this subject it seems there are plenty of topics that can help you ;
I finished a script I began some days ago. The idea is quite simple, take a grid with X pixels in width, Y in height try to put random rectangle with given size if not possible try less big rectangle. It gives that. The output is rectangles between in UV space (between 0 to 1). So this could be used for surface or whatever.
If output Count less than nx*ny augment tries.
grid_subdivision_LEGACY.gh (24.0 KB)
Playing withe the nice render with some smoothing.
To my understanding you could do that. Model the place taken by your shape in pixels, like that
As there are more than 2 sizes for you shapes make bigger shapes with more pixel.
And use the same logic as in this C#
I finished a script I began some days ago. The idea is quite simple, take a grid with X pixels in width, Y in height try to put random rectangle with given size if not possible try less big rectangle. It gives that. The output is rectangles between in UV space (between 0 to 1). So this could be used for surface or whatever.
If output Count less than nx*ny augment tries.
grid_subdivision_LEGACY.gh (24.0 KB)
Playing withe the nice render with some smoothing.