ArcSine , ArCosine , ArcTangent y output always in Radians; why the degree option is available in x input?
because you might want to type in an angle by hourself
ArcSine find the angle from sin value we don’t need degree here and y output must have degree option.
Like this with python
This could be a good idea to have 2 outputs.
Inside a component I always use SI units and outside for sure degree is more easy.
In the next version I created a dedicated angle data type, so no more numbers masquerading as something else. The angle type can de defined as radian, degree, grad (100 degrees per right angle), slope (rise-over-run, 0=horizontal, infinity=vertical), spread (the version of angles used in rational trigonometry) and turn (full circle = 1.0).
Can you also add all angle functions in one components
There’s six goniometric functions; sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, plus their hyperbolic counterparts. And then there’s inverses for those yielding a total of 24 functions. I guess you could group them in threes or sixes, but there’s already quite a few of these components (plus things like atan2 etc.).
I think I’d rather leave that sort of grouping of functions up to the user. For example by creating an expression component which supports multiple expressions for multiple outputs, but all using the same set of inputs. The expression component in GH1 only allows for a single statement.
Or did you mean have a component which outputs the values of each angle type for a given input?
Yes that what i mean
In that case what does the input mean? 30 degrees? 30 turns? 30 slope?
I think degrees most used and rad will be in the output, personally i always use degrees.
The globally accepted standard in physics, mathematics and programming is the radian though. I’d hesitate to have certain places where numbers mean degrees and other places where they mean radians. That way massive confusion lies.
The other thing in the thread that Arcsine Arcosine…components don’t need degree in input menu because the inputs are sin or cos or tan
Yes, this was a mistake. The inverse functions need angle outputs.