Hopefully, this does not sound like I am repeating myself but I have updated things. I have a ship hull with the frames created from tabular data describing the shape:
The result is surfaces of complexity that makes working with the surface
Try using FitCrv to rebuild curves and FitSrf to rebuild surfaces. You will need to experiment with the tolerance settings.
To check curve deviation of the rebuilt curve from the original you can use CrvDeviation though that only tells you what the maximum deviation is and where it occurs…
For checking curve and surface deviation I usually first create a set of reference points based on the input data. Then I use PointDeviation for a color display of the deviation for curves and surfaces from those points. Some adjustment of the thresholds for the colors may be needed.
What type of failure are you getting? No result from FitCrv? Or not a result you like?
When you say “tolerance really low” do you mean small or large numbers. ie 0.0000001 or 0.1?
What tolerance are you trying to use, what is the approximate length of your original curves, what degree are the original curves, and how many control points do the original curves have?
Higher degree curves tend to be smoother but can also have oscillations when made with commands such as FitCrv and Rebuild, Oscillations can also occur with higher degree curves created by interpolating through points using InterpCrv and CurveThroughPt.
I created a smooth, though with an area with tight curvature, degree 3 curve 580 feet long with 1500 control points. Units were feet. Used FitCrv with Degree=3 and Tolerance of 0.001. Result was degree 3 curve with 70 control points.Maximum deviation from the original curve was 0.0008.
Can you upload an example of a curve which isn’t working with FitCrv?
FitSrf is reporting that it tried and could not find a simpler surface within the specified tolerance. If you make the tolerance larger it will simplify the surface.
There was a problem loading your file but one surface came through. FitSrf with a tolerance of 0.02 and degree 3 simplifies it to 33x24.
You could also try rebuilding your original curves and then recreating the surfaces using the simpler curves.
For educational purposes, In the attached file I have three surfaces created from a series of curves that have undergone RebuildNonUniform. I am curious why the results come out so different.
Surface 1 was created using Sweep2. The worst of all, creates oscillations between all the frames.
Surface 2 was created using Loft. It looks good until the bow where there is an odd kink.
Are you comparing two surfaces created using NetworkSrf and the only difference in the input curves is one edge, or are you comparing a Networksrf curve to something else,
If the former than a guess is the edge used for the more complex surface was not as smooth (oscillations, local areas of high curvature, etc) as the edge used for the less complex surface.
I am comparing two networksrf’s using the same frames EXCEPT that in one case the edge is created from the edge of an adjacent surface. In the other case, (producing the simple surface) the edge is produced from a curve (the same curve used to produce the edge of the surface in the other case).