Anyone know if this Rhino training guy is legit?

This guy has what appears to be a fairly useful training package for modeling aircraft, which is my main area of interest. Does anyone have any experience ordering from this guy? He’s asking 99 Euros. I don’t mind paying for training, but I just don’t want to lose my hundred bucks! Maybe someone here already bought this course and can say whether it was worth the price or not?

I can see a few modeling mistakes here and there, but overall this tutorial is fine and should help you learn how to build aircrafts of the same type. Rhino 7’s SubD can get you much quicker there since it lets you edit the general shape with a few mouse clicks.

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Are you looking to design/manufacture actual aircraft, or simply make computer models/renders?

Actually one of my hobbies is building scale model aircraft, and I like to design and 3d-print accessory parts. But eventually I’d like to be able to produce my own complete scale aircraft kits.

Should be fine for that then - my only take on this - as a guy who has done aero modeling professionally for about 14 years - is that the airfoils that he is using are entirely notional. That’s perfectly fine for a scale model, but if you’re making an actual aircraft is a recipe for disaster. I’d also +1 what Bobi said, in that this type of aircraft is much easier done in Subd than in traditional NURBS.

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