Any VisualArq Architects willing to connect

Whats up Folks :sun_behind_small_cloud:

Reaching out in an attempt to connect with architectural professionals alike. I figure it could be an opportunity to share how we get things done best and what our processes and templates look like.



Hey Denzel,

Definitely, I’m working through a project right now and would love to do that in a couple months. There’s a few things I want to finish up before I really have a fully informed opinion. But, that’s a great idea. -C

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Likewise - am halfway though a project using VA. Few lessons learned along the way so far.

Likewise, I am in the same boat. I figure that we could learn something from each other and see how to really situate visual arq to feel up to par with other industry standard softwares.

That would be awesome. I am currently working with revit through rhino inside. If its possible I wanna include VisualARQ into my workflow too. Some information from professionals would help alot.

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Hi @gurkan_bozkurt I guess you know it already, but just in case you and others can find it useful, I share a link about using VisualARQ with Rhino running Inside Revit: Rhino.Inside - VisualARQ

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Yes. I would be interested in such a discussion.

We are at the very start of the process of implementing VA into the internal workflow of our architectural studio. I have been using VA for about a year, but now with VA3, things are getting more serious. In general, I am really picky about my workflow efficiency, and now I am pretty optimistic in relation to VA3 and our specific needs.

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Yup, I figure with a collective effort and shared experience, we could figure out a lot when it comes to standards, limitations, etc.

Sounds great, count me in.

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I just bought the VA, so let the show begin :slightly_smiling_face:
Where is the best place to connect and share the ideas etc.? Any thought on that?

I was definitely thinking of something like a discord chat or something to generate a good group or whatnot.


Discord sounds good. Let me know when and where I can join! Looking forward.

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Hi everyone,

As this post is getting some interest from several people, I’ve created a Discord Server for VisualARQ.

Here is the invitation link:
Join VisualARQ Discord Server

It’s free (of course)!

If anybody wants to be a moderator, so he can also manage channels, just ask me. My Discord user is Enric Marques (enric.asuni).




“unable to accept invite…on my end”

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Hey all,

I recently just switch all work to rhino visual arq and rhinolands. interested to connect. also if we can work on projects together, as sometimes i get smashed.

cant connect to discord. @fsalla why don’t you start an asuni lead discord server for VA and lands users??

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I’ll connect if that link can be made to work (its doesn’t today for me.)

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@lukehickmandesign lets definitely connect bud. I’ll send you my email through DM

@lukehickmandesign @djhg @Denzel_Hill The former link to the VisualARQ Discord channel was expired. I’ve updated it, but you can find it here: VisualARQ

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i would like to join such discution. Can you please send the invittion again. Thanks

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