when you toggle on cv’s what the point distribution? degree, spans, etc? looks sleek
when you toggle on cv’s what the point distribution? degree, spans, etc? looks sleek
Approximation of Airfoils with low number of CP:
maybe this helps
“Professional results” depends on the context. “Professional” quality renderings have different requirements than “professional” quality files which will be used to build a boat. And the latter depends on how the boat will be built.
to create the fin, I always use NACA thickness foils. I bring in the foil from a small applet called DesignFoil that generates a polycurve shape then run a curve through the end points using the least amount of point that will create the accurate shape. Then sweep two. As for the bulb I have found that the so called beaver tail bulb works well and created that through cage editing a simple bulb shape as you illustrate above.
hello robb
can you copy paste the link of your design foil applet. is it free?
I have used a very simple script in Fusion 360 to create foils which are nice and clean and optimised from the DAT in what looks a similar manner as Sky’s method above. Here is a link to how it works in Fusion and maybe some Rhino scripter could figure out how to use this in Rhino. I usually just create the foil in Fusion and then export and open in Rhino/ORCA for further development.
Airfoil_DAT_to_Spline_v1.8.py (10.2 KB)
nice! i have fusion 360!
Then give it a try! Save yourself a lot of work on the clean foil itself but then I export that foil back to Rhino for doing the bulb and the rest.
Haven’t we been down this road before? Here are python scripts for both mac and windows:
There is also some literature that takes a more critical look at the profiles: https://aircraftgeometrycodes.wordpress.com/chapter-7-aerofoil-parameterization/
Do not forget the UIUC Applied Aerodynamics group work on foils: https://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads_history.html
Rhino importers are on this page: https://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads.html
I think that resources page should be enough to to answer many questions that people might have and some more modern foil profiles then NACA.
Or the full scale report on foil shapes on this international moth: https://www.boatdesign.net/attachments/csyspaperfeb09-beaver-paper-on-moth-pdf.136024/
Some more work that was done in Rhino. Really cool foil shapes.
Oh yeah, and if you really want to have fun, Yes, CFD is becoming great in Rhino:
More discussion on CFD: Does anyone know how to create a Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD modeller with Rh or Gh?
cool info! i have cham rhino cfd evaluation
ill check other cfds
Rhino models used in this extensive study of current,
Analyses of Foil Configurations of IMOCA Open 60s
Including the curved daggerboard configurations were investigated on the seven Open 60 sailboats which are Safran, Banque Populaire, Edmond de Rothschild, Hugo Boss
And here is an article Foiling: Part 1 Rising to the Occasion by Dieter Loibner that mentions using Rhino.
those boats named above were modeled in rhino??
I do not know exactly. Many many boats today are. Rhino has been used for a couple decades on the highest end race boats currently on the water. I don’t track all of them like I used to.
In this case I was referencing modeled the foil shapes for testing.
But here are a few boats that were for sure:
Don’t forget these customers either: Firms represented include:
And these customers, including Jboats: https://orca3d.com/testimonials/
Although this is almost an airplane, full of foils, not a boat: https://orca3d.com/sp80-going-for-the-sailing-speed-record-with-orca3d/ at - https://sp80.ch/
And Steve Killings work on Rocker and Alpha C-class is Rhino: https://www.boatdesign.net/attachments/stevekilling-f-pdf.39865/
Or the original TP 52 design was Rhino: http://www.westerlymarine.com/jbird3
So if you want to go sailing, really fast. Use Rhino, you are in good company.