Annoying empty Annotation Dot on origin when no inputs

When an annotation dot component has no input on the location and and empty input on the text an empty annotation dot is displayed in the viewport.

@Kike I think this shouldn’t happen and a missing location input should not be replaced with a point on the origin. The annotation dot component should go orange instead and not display anything in the viewport.

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Seeing this as well, i created youtrack RH-85360 to see if that is something we can change.


RH-85360 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 16 Release Candidate

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Thanks for the modification.

I was expecting that an empty text input also doesn’t create an annotation dot.

Hi Martin -

Why? That’s not how it works in Rhino.

That’s correct but in Grasshopper it doesn’t make sense to display annotation dots with no text. Guess I’ll have to continue filtering to not display empty dots…

I’m not sure how much sense that makes in Rhino, but I’m not judging.

Maybe someone would want to create some empty dots and then later fill in some text?