Animation in Rhino 6

Never used animation in rhino and I don’t use bongo. I just want to do some simple animation that can be handled by rhino 6. Is there a tool I can get that combines the output sequence jpegs of the animation Into an mp4?

there are a lot of apps, some of them online, just search for something linke “jpg to mp4” and you will get it.


My personal favourite is Hitfilm Express, which for free allows to convert images to animation, add some simple animated text on top of images, make animated pictures transition etc.

It has some additional tools that needs payment but for simple animations they are not required.


I was looking for something more like the one in Bongo (I just tried the Bongo eval), files input and mpeg out at 30 frames per second. I’m surprised that McNeel doesn’t give the bongo encoder to you with Rhino.

But, HitFilm does look interesting.

Thanks again

For simple animations like this,

I’m always using Gimp.

So the input are jpeg files (or better png files) and the output is just a small space saving gif file.