Angle measurement between lines


my list is consisting of lines, already grouped by branches with 2, 3, 4 items inside. I would like to measure the angles (shown in my quick sketch) starting by one item of every single branch against all other items of this individual branch. To be more specific I need the maximum possible combinations of the lines inside one branch for angle measurement.

Thank you for your help and time! (1.6 KB)

Use Angular dimensions mesh

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Thank you, but I would like to do it with native angle measurement components.
Did you know how to solve the list management question?

Angular dimensions (mesh) isn’t native component?

it is, but I need it the way I started above. And after defining my groups for angle measurement, the next step would be the list management problem and than the angle measurement with help of vectors. :slight_smile: (9.1 KB)

The white group is a correlation to the angles in the text panel, which depend on line segment order. (14.9 KB)

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If you’d like to compare the angles between the lines in your datatree paths,
You could use Cross Reference(Lower Strict?)… (18.6 KB)

How can I control on which side of the two lines the angle will be measured? Measuring all angles and then culling those with value over 180 to get the inside angle?

To all answers from @HS_Kim and @Joseph_Oster, your resulting angles are not the entire solution I need. What I was asking for is the maximum possible combinations of the lines inside one branch for angle measurement.

Lets say one branch of the list consists of lines (A,B,D,E)
The result for this specific branch should represent the angle between (AB;AD,AE,BD,BE,DE)
The result should just include all inside angles (<180°) (I am still not totally sure how to control this inside outside angle thing). Is it a vector direction thin, idk.

Thank you both for your help and sorry for being not clear. Best :slight_smile:


What did you at the highlighted second part?

The first part I could substitute with to equivalent solution at the top.

If you use Angle, you are better off providing proper plane per measurement. (25.4 KB)

I thought it is always an 2d xy plane, the angle component becomes the two vectors and can measure it with an static xy plane orientation? Why does it need multiple orientated planes?

I forgot to say another important thing when you are trying to measure angles.
In my case actually, plane is not an issue. What matter is the incoming and outgoing line directions.
I used Join Curves to unify the incoming and outgoing line directions.
If you look into the attachment, you’ll know what I mean… (11.0 KB)

Arrow top - original plane direction
Arrow bottom - after unifying

And plane could be an issue when you are trying to determine which one is “A” output and which one is “R”(Reflex). (17.6 KB)

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