Alternatives platforms like shapediver or reduce the geometry size


Are there other alternative platforms like Shapediver? I enjoyed Shapediver, but the issue with it is its limitation with GH file size. The file I have is over 50 megabytes; the reason for this size is that geometry was fetched from the Revit model (using Rhino.Inside®.Revit ), and internalized them in the GH definition since the Revit component is not yet supported by Shapediver.

I tried reducing the mesh but no luck.

Thank you

Hi @Moad,

If you need reference geometry, you don’t need to internalize it, you can use the ShapeDiver import component to bring the geometry from an external file. In general, it is not a good idea to internalize big amounts of data in the Grasshopper file, as that will make the opening of your model slow.

Additionally, try to keep your geometry as low resolution as possible, as that will speed up your Grasshopper definition.

Here you have a video tutorial of how to use the import component:

Here you have a written explanation of the component: Import Geometry