Being advised to revisit Levels 1 and 2 I have decided to lookin on those to get over this hurdle but cant find advice on what to do when rebuild doesnt match original curve.
I dont see anything in fact about creating a set of profiles using rebuild command keeping the shape within tolerance of the original. These profiles are aerofoil profiles and I dont want to deviate much from how they should be.
I need to sweep2 them and as I have been advised to ensure cv count matches, I have made them points 9 degree 3. They were already degree 3, so far the deviation has been within my limit I am willing to accept, but having done most, this curve will not match.
It is also advised that control points should be in same position for all profiles to get a nice sweep. rebuild places such in suitable spacing each time…as its an auto process so having this one fail me yet needing to match the others, I am halted in my tracks.
What should I do ?
I also see that whilst the original curve with tip drawn StartTangent had the control points where the tangent was, the result of rebuild places just one control point on the axis of the curve, so adjusting the tangent curve is no longer possible should I wish to do so. !
file attached.Rebuild no option matches curve.3dm (23.5 KB)