Add IFC parameters to Rhino block using Visualarq


In my case i have rhino blocks which i created using Elefront. Now i need to assign to IFC parameters/attributes using visualarq but seems a problem to create parameters in Grasshopper. Iam using Elefront also to refer/call the blocks: (15.4 KB)
test.3dm (13.6 MB)

I haven’t tried it (I didn’t have time) but you asked or wanted to change the parameter “test1” which doesn’t exist and I think that’s why you’re getting the error message (maybe it had to exist first).

Hi @anon76319893 the “Create Object Parameter” doesn’t seem to work properly with the “Update Property component”. We will revise this.

If you use the “Create Document Parameter” instead, the assignment of values to the blocks should work fine (you should still provide some data for the value input in the Update property component, in your definition).