Adaptive component can not work (8.6 KB)

Due to unknown reason, the “Adaptive component by points” seems not work, and red warning “value can not be null”.
Can someone please tell me is this a bug? or how should I correct the connection?

Environment: win 10 rhino 7.7.21 revit 2021
system language Chinese (simplified), but I tried to turn rhino and revit language setting into EN-us, neither.

Many thanks : )


I guess you have nulls on the “Type” input. Can you confirm?

There is a bug in the component when the Types input contains nulls. It should output nulls in that case instead of failing.


As you can see, what I input to Type is “System panel----Glass”

Or I can right-click the TYPE and click the same thing

but how could this input contains nulls?

Can you share a simplified Revit and Rhino model with the Surface and the Adaptive family?

I did nothing in Revit and just create an ordinary dual-curve surface which is picked up in grasshopper at the very beginning in the file that I uploaded.

It’s doesn’t matter which kind of surface you can replace, just can not work and generated empty data.

I did nothing in Revit and just create an ordinary dual-curve surface which is picked up in grasshopper at the very beginning in the file that I uploaded.

It’s doesn’t matter which kind of surface you can replace, just can not work and generated empty data.

Rhino.Inside does not have a “value can not be null” message.
Could you please click on the red ballon and Copy-Paste here the exact message?

It would help if you share the “System panel----Glass” family you are using to reproduce it here.



I meet the same problem too, the message in red ballon is“ 1. RhinoInside.Revit.GH: Value cannot be null”.
And it seems this component always cannot work, no matter which family I choose.

Hi, I have just encountered the same problem which brought me to this page. “Add Component (Adaptive)” did not work with families or generic model because the item selected in “Type” has to be adaptive with points. After modelling manually in New Family > Metric Generic Model Adaptive, then “Load into Project”, the Grasshopper script worked for my case. The tutorial below has really helped.

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