Accidentally Removed Left Side Tool Panel

I accidentally removed the tool panel that is always there when starting Rhino. I searched Views, Windows, etc. and cannot figure out how to get it back.
So, my obvious question is … How do I get it back?

Thanks to all you gurus for helping with my beginner questions.

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Hi Jeremy - Use the Windows menu > Window layouts > Default window layout.


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You are a life saver! Thank You

Any chance this is what to clicked?
It’s a toggle:

The right side has a control too:

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No but through trial and error I got it to work as expected. I’m not sure what I did wrong to begin with but at first changing the handle size was not reflected in the preview. I probably got overwhelmed with all the different options and did not click on link handles on that particular one. Once I figured out the flow I was able to get it to work. Compared to the options in the version my instructor was using the options in v8 are pretty extensive and it is easy to get lost. Once I learned what certain function did and did not do I was able to get it all working correctly. I still need to play with it to get my head fully around what is happening but I am getting the hang of it now.
Thank you for all of your help and for reaching out afterwards.As I mentioned in our chat, McNeal & Associates has one of the finest customer support services I have ever encountered and it is a joy to know that there is always someone on hand to walk me through even the most basic of issues. Truly outstanding.

Thanks again,
Jeremy Engel

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