Absolute relative coordinates gumball enhancement

So I have a wish that would make moving elements easier for me. What I would like to do is be able to move and element with a mixture of absolute and relative coordinates. For instance I would like to be able to do some like this

Grab point to move from
Then do something like this r0,r0,15 (relative x, relative y, Absolute z)

This would essentially keep the element is the same x, y coordinates but move it the z coordinate of 15.

What I really would like is this to be also added to the gumball, since I use it pretty much all the time now. Right now with the gumball when you click, drag and input or left click and input it is basically is do a relative move, it would be nice to also do an absolute move. Maybe by inputting w15.


Hi Dennis- can you tell me the exact workflow you envisage for Gumball?


It wouldn’t be to much different then the way it works now. Just enter “w” in front of the coordiante you want it to be positioned at. In this example by clicking on the direction it would then set this top plane to the world coordinate 24.

Same thing expect clicking, dragging, and then entering a number(which shows in the command line).

The gumball actually already does the second one with Zero. If you click, drag and enter 0. Then the element moves to the origin. I would just like to extend this to all coordinates.

Also it doesn’t have to be w24 it could be 24*, [24], \24, or /24. I just choose w24 is w and r are already used for enter world and relative coordinates.


Hi Dennis - [quote=“djnelson75, post:3, topic:3133”]
The gumball actually already does the second one with Zero. If you click, drag and enter 0. Then the element moves to the origin. I would just like to extend this to all coordinates.

It does work, with W as well. Click and start dragging the origin of the gumball and type in x,y,z and enter (with the left hand!) and the Gumby will go there. It does not work, as far as I can tell, when dragging a single arrow. It does something but not the expected…

As for your first suggestion- currently the entry fields in the Gumball do not accept coordinates, only distances. What you suggest seems to be to add a prefix that allows coordinate entry. I am still not sure what that means- is the final location the closest point from the typed coordinate in space to the line of the relevant axis (say, red arrow)? Sorry if I am being dense…


This is exactly what I meant. I was actually talking above moving geometry to the orgin. Not the gumball itself.

See this video here

Yes that is pretty much it. If you click on the red arrow type w12 the geometry will move to coordinate 12 in that direction, w-12 would be at -12. I guess it would get tricky when the gumball was not aligned with the world axis. Maybe the gumball isn’t the best for it, but adding the input into the command line as part of the move command would be nice.

Where it would help immensely is in modeling architectural stuff as it is usually defined by an elevation. So it would be nice to be able to change and element from it’s current location to a new elevation, just by typing it in the new value. For instance if I have a canopy beam that is at 256’-0" and it needs to move to 234’ 5-3/4", right now I have to calculate the difference and move the element it down.

H[quote=“djnelson75, post:6, topic:3133”]
Where it would help immensely is in modeling architectural stuff as it is usually defined by an elevation. So it would be nice to be able to change and element from it’s current location to a new elevation, just by typing it in the new value. For instance if I have a canopy beam that is at 256’-0" and it needs to move to 234’ 5-3/4", right now I have to calculate the difference and move the element it down.

Hi Dennis - Move should work in this context - assuming the current CPlane is world top, or parallel to it, type Move Vertical and snap to the point on the beam that you’d like to see at 234’ 5-3/4" and then type in
W0,0,234’ 5-3/4"

Is that useful at all?


Duh. That does work. I forgot/overlooked constraining it vertically.

It also works with the MoveFace command, constrained normal.