SkinDesigner is a Grasshopper plugin that enables the rapid generation of facade geometries from building massing surfaces and repeating, user-defined panels. You can download the plug-in at the Food4Rhino website
You should also feel free to post any questions, feature requests, or bug reports below as well as in the SkinDesigner Grasshopper Group. Finally, SkinDesigner is an open source project and all of the project’s source code is visible on SkinDesigner’s Github site as well as within the Grasshopper components (by double-clicking on them).
SkinDesigner 0.5.00:
A new update has been posted in the Food4Rhino site.
SkinDesigner has now a new feature that allows the creation of free-form enclosures, to do so users can provide quadrilateral and/or triangular surfaces as surface inputs and SkinDesigner, given the right settings, will generate a solution with users’ systems panels created matching those shapes.