A way to screencapture and send to print with one button?

Here’s the component I usually use to document Rhino/Grasshopper modelling stuff:

Captures the Rhino viewport to an image file. Places the image in a folder called
Captures in the same directory as the GH definition. Names the image the same as 
the GH defintion followed by _hourMinuteSecond. Edit the script directly to set more options.
Note: Do not use this script with the GH button, freezes up the canvas for some reason.

        Toggle: Activate the component using a boolean toggle. Do NOT use a Button {item,bool}
        BackgroundColor: Set the color of the Rhino viewport background {item,color,optional}
        Grid: Turn on the grid {item,bool,optional}
        WorldAxes:Turn on the world axes {item,bool,optional}
        CPlaneAxes: Turn on the cplane axes {item,bool,optional}
        OpenFile: If true the image will open in the default application {item,bool,optional}
        Path: The path of the captured image {item,str}
        Author: Anders Holden Deleuran
        License: Apache License 2.0
        Version: 160805
ghenv.Component.Name = "ViewportCaptureToFile"
ghenv.Component.NickName ="VCF"

import os
import datetime
import System
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino as rc

def checkOrMakeFolder():
    """ Check/makes a "Captures" folder in the GH def folder """
    if ghdoc.Path:
        folder = os.path.dirname(ghdoc.Path)
        captureFolder = folder + "\\Captures"
        if not os.path.isdir(captureFolder):
        return captureFolder

def makeFileName():
    """ Make a string with the gh def name + current hourMinuteSecond """
    # Make hour minute seconds string
    n = datetime.datetime.now()
    ho,mt,sc = str(n.hour),str(n.minute),str(n.second)
    if len(ho) == 1:
        ho = "0"+ ho
    if len(mt) == 1:
        mt = "0"+mt
    if len(sc) == 1:
        sc = "0"+ sc
    hms = ho+mt+sc
    # Get name of GH def
    ghDef = ghenv.LocalScope.ghdoc.Name.strip("*")
    # Concatenate and return
    fileName = ghDef + "_" + hms
    return fileName

def captureActiveViewToFile(width,height,path,grid,worldAxes,cplaneAxes):
    Captures the active view to an image file at the path. Path looks like this:
    # Set the script context to the current Rhino doc
    sc.doc = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
    # Get the active view and set image dimensions
    activeView = sc.doc.Views.ActiveView
    imageDim = System.Drawing.Size(width,height)
    # Perform the capture
        imageCap = rc.Display.RhinoView.CaptureToBitmap(activeView,imageDim,grid,worldAxes,cplaneAxes)
        return path
        raise Exception(" Capture failed, check the path")

# Set background color
if BackgroundColor:
    rc.ApplicationSettings.AppearanceSettings.ViewportBackgroundColor = BackgroundColor

# Capture
if Toggle:
    if not Width:
        Width = 1920
    if not Height:
        Height = 1080
    capFolder = checkOrMakeFolder()
    fileName = makeFileName()
        path = os.path.join(capFolder,fileName + ".png")
        Path = captureActiveViewToFile(Width,Height,path,Grid,WorldAxes,CPlaneAxes)
        if OpenFile:
        raise Exception(" Capture failed, save the GH definition")

181217_ViewportCaptureToFile_GHPython.gh (6.7 KB)

Should get you going with capture bits at least. I’d imagine you can use the os module to send the file to a printer as well (using os.startfile(filename, "print").