A complete UI overhaul of Rhino would be a much welcomed move

Hell no, please. Don’t hardcode the background. On contrary both background and foreground should be allowed to be set to transparent.


AlanMattano posted a Mac screenshot, dark theme. I’ve inverted the brightness to test what the light version would look like.
Both ways - Rhino’s Mac version looks so much cleaner than on Windows! 2019 vs the nineties…
It’s because there’s less line clutter in the windows decoration (no tabs just icons, no double border lines…)

I’m just talking about the UI looks here (not UI logic or workflows) - but this is not mere eye candy! A UI should be as calm and unobtrusive as possible. It’s an art form of it’s own.

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My main criticism of the Rhino UI is that new users are completely lost at certain important things, without going to the forums to ask about it, like commands that don’t have toolbar icons. This is important because Rhino often uses completely different terms than the rest of the industry, like “match” instead of “align” and “polysurface/join” instead of “stitched surface”.

Similarly “one shot snap” things, for example, I still must refer to a forum thread I created once, every time I want to perform a very basic thing like snap to isoparms on a different surface, which requires holding down of control over the snapping options to reveal a whole new set of options, which then you must know precisely where and in what order to click, unless you want them to disappear again.

And filleting, one of the most important things in product design, is hidden under so many different tools, which apparently either don’t work very well, or work but are extremely basic…

…which leads me to actually the command line. That’s the most eye sore thing that tarnishes the entire UI of Rhino, and scares away many new users. Sure, ok, for advanced users, fine. But why on earth would you bury tool options in there in this day and age? I get that’s it’s cheap to develop, but it’s 2019. One would hope to have a proper UI for tools.

Ok, venting over (and I do get that the price of Rhino is very cheap, so my expectations should be tempered accordinly). :slight_smile:

EDIT: Oh, also interesting to see some people mentioning wanting monochromatic icons and comparing to Blender, because there was quite a big backlash against this on the Blender forums, and some color is now back even in the default 2.8 theme. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Forgot another big thing! When importing STEP/IGES files from a CAD application that works with assemblies, it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible to work with it without destroying the inherent hierarchy in the file. The “block editor” doesn’t cut it and is pretty much unusable from a usability perspective (and possibly even functional perspective, I honestly don’t know).


Hi, probably some mentioned this, but I would love having the option of a pop up menus like GH, with a radial organization.

Is this possible now?

Also the same kind of menu, with content aware tools for selected objects would be great.



Read the manual before criticizing any professional CAD program. These programs are made for people who invest about one thousand hours in learning how to use one CAD program. If your attention span is too short for professional CAD program, use Moment of Inspiration (a.k.a. MoI, only $279).

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I am sorry, but I think you completely misunderstood everything I wrote! :upside_down_face:

Guess what “professional CAD program” the screenshot I posted from is. Guess how many hours I have invested in it? Hint: I’ve been using it since 2010. :wink:

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What do you suggest we have instead of command line?
How do I enter my commands?

How do you enter commands in 99% of other CAD software?

I’m not saying they should remove it. But they absolutely need to start making proper custom dialogs for their tools, like the screenshot I posted.

I don’t use other CAD software.

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Command Line is awesome!


@eobet if you like dialog boxes you might want to try out the Mac version. I am very happy with the way Rhino is made with very few tools having dialog boxes. Once you get fully into it you don’t have to look at the command line that often and can fully focus on the task at hand. For tool settings that you need often it’s very easy to make a macro for them and aliases.

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On the contrary, I’ve found Rhino one of the easiest to use. I just use the command line and have most buttons hidden (buttons waste time). I can’t think of a software with better named commands. You want to move you type “move”. You want to draw a curve you type “curve”. You want to project you type “project”. You want to join something you type “join” (you can’t tell me “stitched surface” is a more suitable name :smiley: , what software calls it that anyway?)


Or cuvre or cvure :grinning:


Embroidery CAD ? :thinking:


Right… if I want to sweep something parallel on a curve, I type “extrude”, because even though you actually have a nice dialog tool box under “sweep”, the only options are “freeform” or “roadlike”, neither of which are “parallel”. Very easy. :wink:

(In other software, extrude is always linear, never along a curve like it can be in Rhino.)

Stitch is what you do in both Solidworks and Alias (in NX, it’s actually called “sew”). Join can easily be confused with merge. When you say “stitch”, there’s no question that you’re talking about a seam somewhere.

(EDIT: Oh, also “project” doesn’t have a normal option, I think? That one’s called “pull”. Took some time to get used to.)

Stitch has been commandeered by V7 for SubD and mesh operations.


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I also knew stitch to be a mesh thing.

Oh, also “project” doesn’t have a normal option, I think? That one’s called “pull”. Took some time to get used to.

Think about what a projection is outside of Rhino in the real world and you won’t get confused again :smiley:

Yes, that one is true.
Ctrl or Shift, I have to try every time.

Not so easy for one-handed users.
A ‘more…’ button or alike would be really fine.

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Custumizable radial pop up menus!
I’m all for it!