A basic question: how to map the grid system 1 to an vertical surface 2?

Hi, all:

Sorry to bother you guys for a basic question. Please see the attached, if I want to have a gridsystem 1 in surface 2, what is the command to do this?

Thanks in advance,

FlowAlongSrf may be useful if the target is a single surface, not a polysurface or joined surfaces. You will need to create a base surface for the grid.
(Rhinoceros Help)

David, thanks for your help.

Further to my original question. Here I post a real project for a shopping mall facade, may I ask what is the methods to populate a triangle pattern into this facade?

For example, I guess a good way is to create a grid on this facade first, the populate the triangle pattern into it, then trim the pattern accordingly. Am I correct?

1-facade, 2-pattern