The new update broke my plugin (Grasshopper Gold). in the hidden view of the Grasshopper window, the display of objects no longer works.! Please fix it. or give a tool to solve it. @dale
public class ggCommand1 : Command
public GH_RhinoScriptInterface gh = new GH_RhinoScriptInterface(); public ggCommand1() => Instance = this; public static ggCommand1 Instance { get; private set; }
public override string EnglishName => "GG_Choose_Diamond";
protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
if (!gh.IsEditorLoaded())
gh.DisableBanner(); gh.LoadEditor(); gh.ShowEditor(); gh.HideEditor();
string filePath = GG_Utils.GetNameCom()+"GEMS/Choose";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) || !System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) return Result.Cancel;
var ghDoc = Instances.DocumentServer.AddDocument(filePath, true);
return Result.Success;
sorry, but this is not a native solution!. it can be done for rhino8. but in rhino7 this option is not available. in this case, if I re-save the algorithm in rhino8, then for people using rhino7, when running the tool, there will be an Error message. @kike
I tested my GH algorithms with UI and indeed, now they can be run through the GHplayer. But I don’t think it will benefit me. I think there is no difference in performance. Maybe it will be useful on MacOS. more tests are needed. (because I have a problem there with the first launch of the algorithm in the GH Hide)
No, it’s ETO UI I wrote nodes for GH in C# to use them. And the control arrows are also written in C# for GH I use “DisplayConduit” so they are visible in any case. GrasshopperGold If you have a desire, you can download the plugin the old version…
I just noticed that SR14 also has this feature. but the algorithms work well . for some reason you decided to exclude the display of objects GH in SR15.