Pretty much, what Michael Pryor showed/told you so far!
Furthermore, this is called circle or sphere relaxation. You’d have a couple of probably closed curves at the beginning, that would each be divided into a given number of points. These division points would now define the center of circles (or spheres) with a certain radius.
Over an undefined number of generations, each circle would try to displace itself in such a way that it wouldn’t overlap any neighbouring circles. If there’d be no intersections anymore, the system would be viewed as relaxed, and you could rebuild your curves from the circle center points.
@lexi, it may remind you of Sugihara’s design, but it’s a completely different process.
@diff-arch@lexi@Michael_Pryor Thanks a lot for your support! Now i have more or less a clear path to follow. I will publish images of the process and I will upload also my definitions to benefit the rest of the people.
@Michael_Pryor yeah i have been looking the link that u send me and I found it really usefull!
I would try to use kangaroo, the collider component and lets see what I achieve…I am triying to print this shapes with a robotic arm and a clay extruder. I have to check if i can stablish a minimum fixed distance beetwen lines cause I need a certain accuraccy level (at least the diameter of the noozle but is really thin so I supposed that i would achieve my goal)
Anyway, I will upload the process to keep you inform . I gonna select the comment of @Michael_Pryor as the solution, but most of them could be also considered as the solution.