3dm file viewer


I have someone who wants to view my 3dm files but does not have Rhino, is there some free PC software that will open them up purely to view and measure them?



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The Rhino eval version is free… --Mitch

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Thanks. Isn’t this a 90 day trial rather than a 15-save limitation though?

I think you can output a 3D PDF which can be viewed with normal PDF reader.


There’s always the ‘out-of-toilet-paper’ solution: snip it and make a screenshot :-]

It saves for 90 days. Works infinitely as a viewer (just won’t save after 90 days). --Mitch

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I think you can output a 3D PDF which can be viewed with normal PDF reader.

Yes, 3D PDF is a good solution to share your models, because the recipient doesn’t need to install anything. He just needs to have Adobe Reader.

You can, but not currently without a 3rd party plug-in (paid). --Mitch

@fraguada is working on Iris to solve this very problem. Perhaps worth a look.

But this works not on an Android or Apple, only on Windows.

I think it’s possible on Mac, just not on IOS… --Mitch

My last experience is it was not possible with Acrobat Reader under OSX.
But I don’t know which OSX, perhaps an older one.

I just saw this on some website:

How do I view 3D PDF files on the Apple MacOSX?

As long as you have a recent version of Adobe Reader to view the PDF files.
Note the built in “Preview” in Mac OS X does not show interactive 3D PDF content.

Plus there appears to be this for IOS…


Yes, you’re right, but you can find not expensive plug-ins such as this one: http://www.datakit.com/cad-convertors/rhino-to-pdf-3d/1784-rhino-3d-to-pdf-3d.html
I think it is a good investment if you regularly need to share your models.

Normally, it should work with Adobe reader for MAC.

Yes i view 3d pdfs all the time on my 09 imac with just adobe reader.

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Here I have a very large, detailed model of a warship that sank many years ago… Some divers are documenting its wreck, and I want to supply them with an easy to use reader. So far, the readers that work in browsers seem like the best way to go, since everyone uses a different device – desktops or iPads.

One I am trying at the moment is an Autodesk reader, found here:


Free, runs 3dms, but is only good for 30 days. It may support layers, but I had no luck with this feature. I am also experimenting with the Rhino reader, which I bought from the App store for my iPad.

Hi Michael,

Did you check out iris already?


There is a site https://sketchfab.com/models/popular where you can upload models, you can then embed them in your own site for viewing in a browser. Might be useful for you.

On Wikifactory, you can view Rhino files and a whole range of CAD formats without needing plugins or installs: https://wikifactory.com/

Take a look at this VR headset to see how it is viewable even on Mobile: https://wikifactory.com/@marialuce/shybo/file/Entire%20model/shybo.3dm

We breakdown the feature here: https://wikifactory.com/+wikifactory/stories/introducing-our-brand-new-file-visualisation-system

Disclaimer: I am Wikifactory Community developper :slight_smile:

Super cool!